
I have a Shuttle FX43G mainboard with builtin Via VT8233 audio. It has TOSLINK input and output, and I have the output connected to my Yamaha 5.1 receiver, but I'm unable to get any audio out of it.

If I run "aplay -D spdif <any wav>", I hear a click when aplay opens the audio device and another when it closes the audio device, but nothing in between. That also gives an error about rates (22050Hz requestion got 32000Hz), and suggests "-Dplug:spdif". That gives no error, but the behavior doesn't change.

I've also tried with mplayer, using "mplayer -vo null -ao alsa:device=spdif dvd://". I'm testing using a DVD that only has 2-channel audio; don't know if that might cause problems. I'll try one with 5.1 in a few minutes, after I install libdvdcss (I'm using the one I am because it's not encrypted). The behavior with mplayer is identical: I hear a click when mplayer opens the audio device and another when it closes the device. In this case there are no errors about rate mismatches; it says it's doing 48000 Hz.

I have played with the settings in alsamixer, turning the iec958 output on and off and setting the "IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA" to various volume levels, including 0 (I saw some previous posts that said that was necessary for some reason). The behavior doesn't change -- click on open, click on close.

Has anyone made this work?


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