On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 13:36:21 -0800, Brad Templeton
> There are many types of suggestion engines I have been thinking about.
> Many people are familiar with Tivo's, which takes the log of what you
> have recorded, or given thumbs up/down to, and remembers things like
> titles, genres, actors and such.  It then scans all new programming and
> gives weights to how closely they match what it remembers and generates
> suggestions from the best weights.
> One could code this for myth without any external data (though right now
> myth I believe discards much of this information once a show has past, or
> so I gather from looking at the tables that appear to contain it.)
> If you want to amalgamate data from other users, I am not sure how to
> efficiently do that with a server running on your own machine.  You could
> have people just upload anonymized data to an open server which simply
> gathers the raw data, and then the user's own machine sucks it down and
> analyses it to generate suggestions.  That seems to involve a lot of
> data flow, or am I missing your goal.

I saw this white paper written by a couple of Tivo engineers on how
their collaborative recommendation system works.  It's pretty
interesting.  Perhaps it could provide some benefit here.

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