John Kuhn wrote:

I'm a recent convert from the pvr-350 tv-out to a new nvidia 6200 tv-out. while i think the tv-out quality of nvidia is on par with the 350 the tv playback using it isnt. By turning on Bob deinterlacing the picture is much more comparable to the 350. my problem now is that when i fast forward or some times in the middle of watching a recording, I'll get artifacts (big blocks and skipping audio to match) is this a "normal" side effect from using bob? is there a way to reduce this? I currently have audio buffering on and it doesnt seem to help that.

I think I read somewhere that enabling the option to seek to exact frame (Under playback settings) might help with this? It's worth a shot.

Just out of curiosity, how is the picture resolution look with your system set to Bob? I like the smoothness of motion, but there's a distinct hit in the picture resolution for me. (Which I believe is an inherent problem with the Bob technique itself?)


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