> You will find this suggestion from me in a number of threads in the
> past (I think I first suggested it to the Replay guys 5 years ago but
> they never did anything with it.)  It will happen.
> Actually, where it would come in handy is not just commercials (which
> software today can detect) but other things like pitching changes, boring
> academy awards acceptance speeches, long driving scenes to no purpose etc.

That's cool. Of course implementing this using a central server of
some sort will be easier. Is the MythTV project (users) opposed to
server centric information sharing, such as flagged commercials?

> >
> > Issac already expressed he doesn't want any technology that's central
> > server centric (ala Napster was), at least that's the way I understood
> > his post about that. Maybe I misunderstood.
> Actually what he said recently that sounded like this was that what he meant
> was he wants to insist that a recommendation system be centralized on his
> personal server.

Ahh, thanks for the clarification.

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