Donavan Stanley said:
> On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 09:20:21 -0600 (CST), Bob Cottingham
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Donavan Stanley said:
>>> Myth will allow your existing screensaver to kick in as needed,
>>> provided you have one of course.
>> This doesn't appear to be entirely accurate to me. I believe that Myth
>> only supports DPMS. If you turn on screensavers in KDE or use
>> xscreensaver, the screensaver will kick in regardless of whether you
>> are watching a show or not. I tried this again last night just to be
>> sure and it started up 10 mintutes into our TV show.
> I've just done a quick instrumentation of the code and verified that
> the calls are being made to disable/enable the screensaver properly as
> well as turn off dpms.  Why they're not working for all users, I'm not
> sure and right now I'm too tired to dig into it.

I just downloaded the latest cvs and tried with xscreensaver. It still
starts while watching a recording. I didn't try with the kde screensaver.
I have no idea why it might work on others and not mine. I'm running
Mandrake 9.1. If there is anything I can do to help track it down, please
let me know. I would be very appreciative of your help.

Bob C

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