On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 01:24:32PM -0500, Chris Pinkham wrote:
> Part of this is due to the fact that it assumes that "show" segments
> must be at least 65 seconds long.  I've seen what you're talking about
> once or twice, but if I crank that number down, then you will get
> missdetection at other points because of the way the scoring works.
> I believe that what I'm going to have to do is to allow the minimum
> show length to be less when within the last 10 minutes of a show.

Even smaller margin that that.  Lots of shows have a "teaser" at end
of show and at start of show that is quite short.   They also have
the "scenes from next week" which is a real doozey when it comes to
automatic detection since they look a lot like a commercial, sort of
_are_ a commercial, but people consider them part of the show.

I would say allow short breaks of program in the first 5 and last 5.

The start of programs is of course also challenging because you have
teasers, starting music etc.

As for the "commercial break must be a minute long" heuristic, that's
a good one -- except on sports, there you will see shorter breaks
during pitching changes, gaps in the game etc.  You can usually detect
if a show is sports from the category.

> > In almost every recording of Daily Show, it skips right over the last
> > 5 or 6 mins of the recording, right to the end of the show, and
> > sometimes hangs up MythTV requiring a kill and restart of Myth :(
> I record The Daily Show, but only the first 15 or so minutes (don't care
> about the interviews). :)  I'll modify my schedule so I can get a sample
> or two of this to see if I can work something out.

Actually, it is because of skipping the interview that this is a problem.
I know it goofs on this show, and so when I get bored with the interview
I hit End (goes to start of commercial break) and then hit it again for
the moment of zen and.. D'oh! -- it quits the recording.

I would probably also recommend for the player that hitting End when
it would terminate the recording give an error pop-up.  If I want to
quit the recording, I'll do that manually with D or Escape.

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