On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 05:31:59PM -0500, William wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I wanted to pass along my results with FC3 and it's new udev system. I have
> to warn everyone who is not a linux guru to avoid FC3 at all costs. FC2
> works great and should be used instead. 
> After a complete wipe and virgin install of FC3 and following Jarods guide I
> wound up with a pretty much unusable system. The first and biggest problems
> is that my 2nd PVR-250 would never work. Any attempt to read from that
> device (video1)would crash the system. I was completely unable to get that
> to work. The device errors out while loading from a modprobe. The backend
> would crash for no reason and with no error output at least 2 times a day.
> Also other services like dovecot and postfix would not work either. I use
> this machine to fetch and filter my mail too. (spamassassin and clamav)
> After fighting this thing for 3 weeks I blew it all away and did a virgin
> install of FC2 using Jarods older FC2 guide (Thanks for keeping it around
> Jarod). FC2 came right up, everything loads correctly (other than lircd
> which I fixed with an entry in rc.local). The video devices are both present
> and work. The mail services came up with the defaults and have worked
> perfectly since. The backend has been running flawlessly for 10 days now.
> I am not a guru but neither am I a novice so unless you like frustration,
> stick with FC2 and request that the repository owners (hey atrpms, are you
> listening?) continue to maintain that release.

ATrpms even half-harted maintains mythtv for four releases before FC2,
so FC2 won't be dropped that soon ...

> If you use Jarods guide you will definately want to install synaptic
> to find the latest kernel and modules available.
> Of course your milage may vary but looking at how many people have problems
> with fc3 I would say my results are pretty typical.

But note that other than udev kernels for FC2 and FC3 are identical,
and udev is only responsible for (not) loading the modules, which is
not difficult to get done in rc.local as a last resort (see also
Jarod's guide).

Dovecot and friends also work great for O(1000) accounts over here.
So something must have been wrong in your setup.

Don't get me wrong, I also dislike udev, I don't really see what that
buys us, especially when the dev accessing -> module loading idiom is
blasted. But unfortunately the Linux gods have spoken and any newer
distro will be udevied. :/
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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