On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 02:51:04PM +0000, Simon Kenyon wrote:
> On Thursday 03 March 2005 20:37, Aaron Stewart wrote:
> > And subsequently by location/listing area?  That would mean that somebody
> > in my immediate metro area, subscribing to my same service, recording the
> > same show(s) as I did, would have had to flag the commercials already for
> > me to take advantage of it.
> >
> > Again, possible, but it strikes me as a science project.
> i rely on people with the same CD as me to have typed in the table of 
> contents 
> so i can get it from freedb
> i flag the commercials on shows i want to keep
> i would gladly share that info if there was a mechanism to do so

Not having looked into the cutlist deeply, but, doesn't the commercial
cutlist depend on the frame count of the current recording? If someone
starts the recording 1 minut earlier, wouldn't that skew the commercial
by 1 minute?


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