On Mar 6, 2005, at 8:36 AM, Darryl Wisneski - ski wrote:

If you don't follow the instructions meticulously there are bound to be "anomolies," (to put it scientifically) regardless of distro, in your system. I wonder if you tried again from scratch with the same distro, if you would have gotten it to work? I think there is a high probability of success.

right. I found that any problems that came up during the whole installation were due to me not following the directions explicitly. take the time to read each part through and don't skip ANYTHING, there is a reason its in the instructions!

as far as different distributions and different hardware, that problem isn't going to go away anytime soon. too many different hardware configurations and cosmic rays and gremlins. You cant get FC3 to work? I cant get FC2 to work, etc etc. Even if we all had the exact same hardware and the exact same OS, I imagine there'd still be installation anomalies (however probably less so...see Mac os X and Solaris). But that aint the world we live in...

I have absolutely everything running on my FC3 myth box. web, email, tv, web dev (tomcat / apache / mysql). I'd even run a quake server on it if it was just a bit more beefy. Granted I have a little more experience than the average user, but I don't feel like I needed to rely on this in order to get the whole system running using the wilsonet instructions. Just follow them, success can be yours.

as an aside I just sold my tivo. good riddance. and I've got about a dozen people wanting me to help them build a myth box at some point, after I've showed them what it can do and how great it is.

anyway keep plugging away at it, take your time and have fun!

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