I am trying to split a 6GB nuv file recorded with my DVB card into chunks small enough to fit onto DVD, however am not having any luck. I tried "dvb-split_mpg filename.nuv 1000", but it just returned the usage information:

"usage: split_mpg <filename> <size>"

Which is what I typed!

I then tried to use GOPchop, but when loading a nuv file recorded with my DVB card into Gopchop 1.13 I get the following errors:

parse_MPEG2_program_stream @ 0(0.00%): expecting pack_start_code, got 0x00 0x00 0x01 0xE0
parse_MPEG2_program_stream @ 102400(0.01%): garbage data seen from 0 to 102400.
parse_MPEG2_program_stream @ 102400(0.01%): More than 100K of garbage -- aborting parse.
parse_MPEG2_program_stream @ 102400(0.01%): expecting MPEG_program_end_code marker (length 4)
No Groups of Pictures found!
Loaded /home/shared/mythtv/1009_20050303093000_20050303102000.nuv in 0 seconds (1MB/s)

I know people here use these tools, so wonder if you might know how I can fix this?

Many thanks,

Chris B

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