1) use nuvexport to export the sql/nuv version of the file
If you've got an active cutlist from MythTV, it's in the .sql file
2) rename the .nuv to a .mpg
Not really necessary... gopdit can load it anyway.
3) use gopdit to (manually) cut the commercials
4) pass to replex from within gopdit (pref. setting)
I hadn't noticed that in the prefs... cool!
5) dvdauthor -o DVDNAME -f whatever.mpg     (once per episode)
6) dvdauthor -o DVDNAME -T
I use 'qdvdauthor' to make quickie menus. It's not too bad and uses dvdauthor to actually create the DVD. You can even put chapter points in the tracks pretty simply as well. I automatically generate chapter points every 5 minutes of an hour show.
7) growisofs -dvd-video -Z /dev/hdc DVDNAME

So now I'm going to look into seeing if I can get automatic commercial
cutting working with gopdit so I don't have to do it manually (I imagine
it will be more reliable too since setting the cutpoints seems to be
very finicky -- I frequently had to start over because gopdit got
confused).  Then maybe I can work this into mythtvburn as a replacement
for the avidemux2 method it's using now (it can still use avidemux2 to
pull out the JPEGs though).

If anyone else wants to beat me to either of these steps, feel free; it
could take me a while...

I've already manually done it. I took a cutlist out of MythTV's exported .sql file, and put it in the .RTV format that gopdit liked. I think with a quick sed/awk of the .sql file, it could be easily converted into something directly importable to gopdit.


* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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