On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 06:30:37PM +0100, Simon Lundell wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a diskless frontend, and have my desktop as a backend. When using 
> the desktop as frontend i will use the keyboard as input, but, i would 
> like to use the grey hauppauge remote on my frontend. The problem is 
> that the PVR250 is in the backend. So, is it possible to modify the 
> hauppauge IR-reciever or build a new reciever to connect to the serial 
> port or something, so that I can use the grey remote?

My Hauppauge IR receiver burned and I bought a serial one, home made by
a Brazilian guy. It works perfectly.

Robson Braga Araujo
Ciencia da Computacao - UFMG      http://www.dcc.ufmg.br/
Akwan Information Technologies    http://www.akwan.com.br/

   Golly, I'd hate to have a kid like me!
                          -- Calvin
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