Lane Schwartz wrote:
> Has anyone been successful in getting fceu-sdl (NES emulator) to
> recognize key events sent by irxevent?
> Specifically, I'm trying to map the EXIT key on my remote control to
> send ESC to fceu-sdl, to exit the game. Right now I have to hit ESC on
> the keyboard to exit the emulator.
> My remote works great with MythTV. When I run irxevent and fceu-sdl
> manually, I can get irxevent to recognize that the EXIT key was
> pressed and that it should be sending ESC to fceu-sdl. But fceu-sdl
> doesn't seem to be getting the key event.
> Any thoughts?

As mentioned by another, you cannot do this directly because fceu-sdl
(and most other console emulators) bypass the X-input layer for keyboard
data and thus never see events sent to them by irxevent.

However, if all you want is the exit functionality, you could try using
irexec to send a QUIT signal to FCE.  For example, add something like
the following to your .lircrc:

  remote = your_remote
  button = EXIT
  prog   = irexec
  repeat = 0
  config = killall fceu-sdl

The "fceu-sdl" should be the program name as it appears in the output of
'ps' or 'top'.

I've been meaning to try something like this myself, but haven't gotten
around to trying it yet.  If you try this and it works, please let me know.

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