Thanks to everybody for the replies. David, thx for the steps. A few question though. I installed avidemux as you suggested and opned one of my 30 minute clips. Maybe I missed something or didn't do it right. Here is what I came across....
I also read some docs about cutting. The only way I could do was jump to the next black frame or the keyframe and then having marked the point a mark point b and cut it. But clicking on find next black frame, it kind of was going thru the video at the same pace as it would play, maybe a little faster but definitely did not finish in 5 mins. So, I am thinking I am missing something. Are you using the cutlist when you start avidemux? Can you give me some more info on cutting the clips once I open it in avidemux?

Thx a lot

David wrote:

It's a doddle to do if you have a PVR350

I have about 60+ DVDs of Farscape, Stargate, Buffy, Films etc etc
All have proper DVD menus, no commercials, proper printed covers
All done 100% in linux
Mostly by my non-linuxy wife (who now enjoys linux and gimp)

* record using DVD profile on PVRx50
* move the nuv file to your editing space
* use avidemux (2.36, not 2.38) to index and cut out commercials (5 mins)
* optionally use avidemux to save screenshots (press 'j') (1 min - 20 mins depending on fussiness)
* save as mpeg (A+V) into show.VOB (5 mins)
* use qdvdauthor to create menu (5 mins)
* save as VIDEO_TS (10 mins)
* burn to DVD (15 mins)
* optionally use gimp to create cover (hours and hours if you get fancy!!)


John Williams wrote:

The answer to this is, you didn't find it in the archives because it
doesn't exist. The copy to Windows is about the best answer I'v run
across, and I agree too much work so I haven't done it. The next
answer you'll get is the devs don't burn shows so they won't code it
because they don't want it. You'll also get and this one rightly so If
it is too much trouble for you to copy to a windows box and burn then
it is way too much trouble for someone else to code this for you.

I'm just repeating most of the things you'll hear based on old posts.
I'd like this to be easy, but it seems the editing is not an easy task
to keep sound in sync. The last few days have had a few good step by
steps, but they are still pretty drawn out. I'm waiting for a while to
get a DL burner until I have time to work on this particular problem
myself or someone else comes up with a good answer.

Sorry, but I think you are out of luck,
John Williams

On Fri, 04 Mar 2005 14:19:42 -0800, Praveen Shenoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

After spending a few hours digging thru the archives on this topic, I
still didn't find any discussion that had concise steps to cutting
commercials and burning dvd. I am sure people out there are doing this.
I have a PVR-350 and I want to burn the movies I record to a dvd after
cutting the commercials.  I don't want to lose any quality. I want the
resulting mpeg after cutting the commercials to be still mpeg-2 and not
mpeg-4. I can copy the file to windows and use pinnacle studio or
something like that to dtect scenes and then edit out the commercials,
but that is too much work and takes time. I don't much time to spare on
this given that we have a 1 year old who keeps us busy and then work
too. I would appreciate if anybody out there is already doing this and
share a mini-howto of cutting commercials out of the mpeg2 files output
by the pvr-350 and then burning them to a dvd.

Thanks in advance
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