> One of the few remaining issues for me is using all of my TV's screen
> real-estate.  If I use the 'nvidia-settings' tool, I can set up the
> overscan so that the image completely fills my TV.  Unfortunately, it
> doesn't last.  Especially if I use MythGame to launch an external
> application that resizes things (StepMania and TuxRacer for example).
> When I return to Myth the screen is no longer maximized.
> I've found that the only way to reliably get the screen maximized again
> is to quit Myth, fire up the nvidia-settings GUI, twiddle the size
> slider, then quit the GUI.  Even running 'nvidia-settings
> --load-config-only' doesn't do it.
> I know this isn't a Myth issue, it's poor design on nVidia's part, but
> how are other people dealing with nvidia-settings?  Does anybody have a
> way to re-maximize the display without leaving Myth, or at least without
> having to bring up the GUI?

You could try putting this in the "Devices" section of your xord.conf
or equivalent:
        Option "TVOverScan" "0.60"

Obviously change 0.60 to suit your needs!

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