> I've read some comments about people being dissatisfied with the colors
> from the nVidia cards tv output. Other than the muted colors, it looks
> pretty good to me (of course the wife immediately said, "Straight TV
> looks better, can you make it look more like that?") Sooo, has anybody
> had luck with any settings in Myth/nVidia/TV to make the colors look a
> bit better? Most of what I tried made things *much* worse.

I have these serttings and I'm pretty happy. My wife no longer
complains about it looking dull and flat (tho' maybe she just got used
to it!). For each channel in Channel Editor in mythtvsetup:

videofilter : adjust=18:237:1.0:35:220:1.0,denoise3d
contrast : 23200
brightness : 34000
colour : 32000
hue : 32768

(If you have lots of chanels you may want to update the channel table
directly in mysql).

And in Setup --> T VSettings --> Playback I'm using Deinterlace (even
tho I'm wathing it on a TV with the Bob 2x framerate algorithm.

Try it and see it it works for you.

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