I did some more testing since I posted this and found if I
activate/deactivate programs from the scheduled recordings page it also
crashes.  How does mythweb communicate?  Does it interact with the DB
directly or does it talk to the backend?

I was able to crash the backend again with verbose logging. I don't have the backend compiled with debugging yet. I click on a Recording Schedule to remove it. I click on Cancel This Schedule then click Update and I got:

Warning at /var/www/html/includes/mythbackend.php, line 102:
fsockopen(): unable to connect to Fatal Error at /var/www/html/includes/mythbackend.php, line 32:
Unable to connect to mythbackend, is it running?

Here is the last part of the backend log (trimmed):

2005-03-08 14:00:43.579 Reschedule requested for id 109.
2005-03-08 14:00:43.580 1 1
Query 0: /record.search = 0 AND (record.recordid = 109 OR 109 = -1) AND program. title = record.title
2005-03-08 14:00:43.619 |-- Start DB Query 0...
2005-03-08 14:00:43.621 |-- -1 results in 0.000905 sec.
2005-03-08 14:00:43.622 +-- Done.
2005-03-08 14:00:43.625 PruneOldRecords...
2005-03-08 14:00:43.630 AddNewRecords...
2005-03-08 14:00:43.639 |-- Start DB Query...
2005-03-08 14:00:44.052 |-- 601 results in 0.412317 sec. Processing...
2005-03-08 14:00:44.157 +-- Cleanup...
2005-03-08 14:00:44.159 Sort by time...
2005-03-08 14:00:44.161 PruneOverlaps...
2005-03-08 14:00:44.163 Sort by priority...
2005-03-08 14:00:44.165 BuildListMaps...
2005-03-08 14:00:44.167 SchedNewRecords...
2005-03-08 14:00:44.168 Scheduling:
+Alias - "The Index" 41 1000 09 21:01-22:01 1 1 1 A 1 8
+Alias - "The Road Home" 41 1000 16 21:01-22:02 1 1 1 A 1 8


2005-03-08 14:00:44.305 ClearListMaps...
2005-03-08 14:00:44.306 Sort by time...
2005-03-08 14:00:44.307 PruneRedundants...
--- print list start ---
Title - Subtitle Chan ChID Day Start End S C I T N Pri
Will & Grace - "Bacon and Eggs" 8104 11104 08 18:00-18:30 3 0 0 A r 1


---  print list end  ---
2005-03-08 14:00:44.747 Scheduled 362 items in 0.7 = 0.04 match + 0.69 place

The last line has been what I always see in the log when the backend dies. Scheduled xxx items.

- James
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