Jeroen Brosens wrote:
Therefore, using bob is paramount for a smooth video playback. All other
deinterlacers as well as no deinterlacing (!) can't provide this.

Just a follow-up to this thread.

While the combination of settings I originally posted does give excellent results, I've recently discovered that that particular combination does not actually do Bob Deinterlacing.

I had a hunch that this was the case, as the non-XvMC settings @ 640x480 + Bob enabled did seem to produce a slightly smoother picture than XvMC @ "coryntsci" + Bob. Although the smooth motion was excellent with the former, the OSD was ugly and the Bob didn't always seem to get the picture right, especially after a seek. (Sometimes 1/2 the vertical resolution would appear to be lost)

The way I determined this was by zooming in significantly and pausing the video during a high motion scene. This made the "mouse tooth" appearance of the interlacing effects quite evident. If the Bob was actually taking place, none of the frames should have any interlacing at all. (Since each frame is derived from a single field). The mythfrontend log does indicate that the Bob is taking place:
2005-03-08 19:20:41 XvMC will use bob deinterlacing
2005-03-08 19:20:41 Using deinterlace method bobdeint
but visual analysis of the picture shows otherwise. I'm not sure if this is some sort of problem with the drivers, resolution and/or rounding errors, or MythTV itself.

I think the combination of the low CPU usage of XvMC and the Vsync provided by OpenGL provides a very good looking picture. However, if the Bob would actually take place, I think it might indeed be "optimal" as I had originally stated.

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