Jarod Wilson wrote:

>On Wednesday 09 March 2005 17:41, Grant Edwards wrote:
>>On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 04:05:32PM -0800, Jarod Wilson wrote:
>>>How else are you going to run the setup utility? Until someone writes
>>>something like an ncurses-based setup utility, I think folks are SOL.
>>Edit a few files and type some SQL commands?
>Hm, was going to say maybe that wouldn't be so hard to make a reality by 
>simply editing a few things in mc.sql, but further thought leads me to 
>believe this wouldn't be practical at all. Configuring any one of the myriad 
>of input devices Myth supports doesn't lend itself very well to making edits 
>in a text file, seeing as how Myth's setup util dynamically probes the 
>available inputs on most capture devices, assign created channel listings to 
>inputs, etc. If your mbe had no cards, then text files and sql might be fine, 
>I suppose.
>mythtv-users mailing list
Would a ncurses based mythsetup be out of the question?

Bryan Halter
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