Ok - I have the answer myself - I'm using the RadioTimes XMLTV grabber and it DOES have all the channels I need - I just didn't know the channel ids but, if anyone else is interested, they are:

channel london.bbc1.bbc.co.uk
channel london.bbc2.bbc.co.uk
channel choice.bbc.co.uk
channel knowledge.bbc.co.uk
channel cbbc.bbc.co.uk
channel cbeebies.bbc.co.uk
channel cbbc.bbc.co.uk
channel cbeebies.bbc.co.uk
channel itv3.itv.co.uk
channel sky-news.sky.com
channel itn.co.uk
channel 184.radiotimes.beeb.com
channel horrorchannel.com
channel realitytv.co.uk


Derek Conniffe wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I have successfully installed a Nexus-S card into my MythTV box (to receive BBC channels from the Astra2D satellite - previously I've only been receiving RF channels with a PVR 350). I must say the Nexus-S in and PVR350 out works really well and doesn't cause any processor usage problems on my PIII 500Mhz MythTV box.

Anyway... I'm having trouble trying to work out how to use tv_grab_dvb to get a programme schedule into MythTV. If I run "./tv_grab_dvb > test.xml" and look in test.xml I can see channels listed (the channels are named NUMBER.dvb.guide) but it only seems to detail whats on now and not whats on soon (like the next 24 hours or next week or whatever).

Is there a way to make tv_grab_dvb get a schedule of up-coming programmes?

Thanks for any help!


PS for my RF channels (Irish) I've been using the radiotimes XMLTV grabber - that works great but it doesn't have BBC3 or BBC4 in its listings and thats why I'm checking out the tv_grab_dvb grabber


Derek Conniffe Rivertower Ltd DDI: (Local Ireland) 01 201 0146 (International) +353 1 201 0146 Mobile: (Local Ireland) 086 856 3823 (International) +353 86 856 3823 Main Line: (Local Ireland) 1890 45 70 74 (International) +353 1 201 0180 Fax: (Local Ireland) 01 201 0085 (International) +353 1 201 0085 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: www.rivertowerhosting.com

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