Michael Haan wrote:

The great thing is that once you have the base OS up and running its
just a simple "emerge mythtv" and then the next morning your system is
ready.  All the dependencies are handled automatically and it just

Or you could use Debian, and once you have the base OS up and running, it's just a simple "apt-get install mythtv", and in five minutes your system is ready. All the dependencies are handled automatically and it just works. Of course, it'll run 2% slower than the Gentoo build.


(Note: Gentoo is a fine distribution, and there are some advantages to it. I just find the "then then next morning" bit to be pretty funny).

BTW, question to all you Gentoo users:

I tried Gentoo on my desktop machine a while back because I was excited about something I expected from Gentoo, but I went back to Debian because, at least the way I was doing it, Gentoo didn't do what I wanted it to.

What I hoped for was that I could choose to leave the source code for all of the software on my system lying around so that, at any moment, if I noticed some bug, or wanted to make some minor tweak, I could just jump over to the source directory, edit the code, run "make; make install" and have an updated version on my system in just a minute or two. But that isn't how it worked for me. Even if I left the source around, building a new version of a package required a complete rebuild, rather than just an incremental build -- if I only change one .c file, I really only want the system to rebuild that, and whatever binaries depend on that. (Excuse me for being fuzzy on the details: my Gentoo experience was about a year ago).

Obviously, doing this would mean having a huge amount of source and object code lying around, but disks are cheap, and it would be extemely nice.

Is there a way to do this with Gentoo? Obviously, it's easy with something like LFS, but that requires a great deal more effort to set up and maintain.

I do this sort of thing with Debian all the time. I have to do a complete build of a package the first time I tweak it, but every subsequent tweak is just an incremental make, plus a bit of additional work to build and install a new .deb. However, the initial build is frequently enough to deter me from doing such things on big packages, because it'll take an hour before I can see the results of my first tweak.

What would make such a system *completely* awesome is if the emerge system would notice the fact that I've patched a given package manually when upgrading it, and attempt to reapply my patch to the new version.

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