On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 23:02:30 -0800, Peter Loron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, this is drifting a bit OT, but I'm going to strike while the iron
> is hot. I've got my backend machine set up and pretty much working, but
> it is going in the closet so I don't have to listen to it. I need to
> get VNC working. In the past when I was running FC1, I just did apt-get
> for TightVNC and I was all set. Starting a VNC server and connecting
> yielded me my complete KDE/Gnome/WhateverWM desktop.
> Now that I'm running FC3, TightVNC doesn't seem to be available, and
> when I connect using the already installed vncserver, all I get is a
> minimalist TWM environment.
> How to get a full-on desktop? I'm suspecting I need to edit one or more
> of the X config files, but I'm clueless. If there's a FAQ for this one,
> please point me to it.

Why do people keep mentioning VNC? Why not just use ssh? If you want a
login, just use XDMCP
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