On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 01:16:36PM -0500, Morgan Rinehart wrote:
> I am having the same issue as the original post.  The West Wing on Wed. 
> for the past two episodes shows recording time of 47min.  When the 
> recording reaches 44min the playback starts to look like a kaleidescope. 
>  You can still see the NBC logo and movement but blurred.  This has 
> happened at exactly the same time for Ep. 16 and 17.  It is not a signal 
> strength issue nor does it occur on any other NBC broadcasts.

In the end, since somebody else here in the Bay Area saw this, we
concluded that kntv-HD had just broadcast wrong.   I got this week's
episode fine.  Who are you recording from?
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