You could probably do a search on this list and find about 50 threads
with this same question.  Or you could look at the requirements on
mythtv's website.  There is an unlimited amount of possibilities for


On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 10:18:25 -0500, Tom Lichti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John M. Luker wrote:
> > Ok, after lurking here for a day and seeing the great amount of
> > interaction on this list, I'm ready to take the plunge. I'm going to
> > build a new machine that will be dedicated to MythTV. What hardware
> > would you recommend, and why? TIA, J.
> Well, it all seems to depend on what your needs are. Is HD a priority?
> Are you in the US? Do you want a single all in one machine, or separate
> backend/frontent machines? Do you want to use over the air, cable,
> digital cable, or satellite?
> It all depends on where you want to be.
> Tom
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