> > I agree that the CPU is overkill for a PVR-350, but I also intend on
> > using the built in nVidia TVout, as well as I'd like to do HDTV at
> > some point. I'm not even sure if the XP 2700 is enough for HD, but I
> > hope it is.
> My 1800 is almost enough with some optimized-for-performance settings and my
> 3200 runs at about 70% utilization with optimized-for-best-video-quality
> settings (1920x1080 resolution, kernel deint filter, non-libmpeg2 decoding).
> Just dropped my GeForce 6200 into the 1800, going to see if w/the new drivers
> I can get it to play back 1080i content smoothly now...

So is that to say, I may be right on the edge? I don't anticipating
trying HD anytime soon even though I have an HD compatible 65" wide
screen. My TV could look so much better, but I don't (currently) have
any nice HD content at my disposal (OTA would be a joke where I live).
I'll probably go HD satellite at some point in the future. Not sure on
Myth's support of that either, I assume requires an Air2PC card?

Oh, that reminds me, I saw this:


It seems like a joke, but is there any support for such a device in
Linux? Any way to tune satellite directly without using the DSS box?

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