Hi, folks.

I've got an old PVR that I want to keep using.  It
timeshifts the analog channels from cable and outputs 
S-Video and composite.

I've got a new machine running KnopMyth R5A12, MythTV 0.17.
It has a new pcHDTV and an older bttv.  

What I can't seem to find in the docs is how to configure 
the two tuners.  I want the pcHDTV to do the normal PVR thing- 
timeshift the shows that are available that it can pick up
(that would be the SDTV and HDTV broadcast channels from San 
Francisco).  And I want the bttv card to let me watch the
output from my old PVR (S-Video, I guess, but composite would 
work too).

So how do I configure MythTV to deal with two tuners, one
digital and one just for analog pass-thru.

-- Tony Godshall 
mythtv-users mailing list

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