On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 23:56:04 -0600, Jay Jarvinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I would like to make mythtv able to show a PiP window when I'm
> > watching a record. I have only one tuner, but I want to watch some
> > movie that I recorded while I keep an eye on the soccer games that are
> > going on at the same time.
> I'll 'second' that.

If there's really no plan to activate PiP for PCs with only one tuner,
all the PiP stuff should be deactivated for those systems.
I often get questions about the PiP. The users play with all the
menues and wonder why nothing happens when they press PiP. Is there an
argument against disabling PiP in one tuner systems?
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