>Ooh! Finally I can help with something! Both frontends need to
>point to the *exact* same location. If you're like me where one of
>your frontends is also your backend and where the videos are
>stored, just create a symlink from the real directory to where
>the other frontend mounts the videos and the change the location
>of where the frontend on the backend mounts the videos like so:

>Backend/Local frontend
>Real location: /videos
>Symlinked: /videos -> /mnt/videos

>Remote frontend:
>Mounted location: /mnt/videos

>All frontends need to know about where the video locations
>are because the path to the videos and the associated
>IMDB stuff (covers, director, summary) is coded into
>the mythconverg database.


>Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere?

>Nope, I don't think this is specifically documented anywhere.
>If it is, I missed it. I'll go looking for it in a bit.


>No problemo! Happy Mything!


Why would you need to create a symlink? Why couldn't you just use the same 
exact path
location on the remote frontend to the files in /video? It's reading from the 
same database
isn't it?

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