On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 21:06:45 -0500
"William" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So my questions to the great users of myth.. 
> - Are people using XFS and finding it generally stable or flaky like I find
> it? 

I've had XFS running on my home server for a good 2 years now 4 FSs 80-160GB in 
size each)
and it's been rock solid.

At work I have a large disk based backup system running with XFS for about 9 
(3 FSs, 2TB, 2TB, 1.2TB) and XFS has certainly been better than JFS. No 
problems at all (cross fingers)
and that system sees about 30-60GB of changes every night in an intense burst.

This is under both 2.4 and 2.6 kernels.

So it gets my vote.

Whatever you do, don't use ReiserFS(!)

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