On 3/14/2005 12:27 PM, Jim Oltman wrote:

How much did this system set you back, excluding the LED board.

Not including the LED board, about $600. I could have cut corners a little. I could have probably used a 512MB flash instead of 1GB (about $40 cheaper at the time). Also the case is fairly expensive at $85 (directron.com now has them for $72). The motherboard is the single most expensive part at $285. The slot load slim DVD isn't cheap either ($75 but newegg no longer sells them). I could find plenty of slim DVD, but I didn't want the laptop type for the frontend. Too worried about someone pushing to hard clicking the DVD onto that center rim.

You can have small, quiet, inexpensive. Pick any two :-) Just kidding, small and inexpensive are mutually exclusive. You are probably wondering now why I would spend so much on a seemingly underpowered system. First, with HDTV, a fairly beefy CPU is loud and I would need a VGA to component video converter ($110). I have about $900 in my current frontend (P4 2.8, 512MB, FX5200 ultra, 9A60, ...). Second and more important, power (electrical that is). My old power-hungry beast of a frontend is loud and expensive to operate. I know it isn't a direct comparison because you can do other things with the higher speed Intel (or AMD) frontend when you don't need the CPU grunt to handle playing back HDTV, but I only use the frontend for a frontend so it was worth it to me. $285 on the Commell side vs. about $420 ($250+$60+$110) on the Intel side to playback an HDTV stream (motherboard and video only). Besides, I enjoy working on this kind of stuff and wanted to see if I could make an appliance type MythTV frontend. :-)

did you get the IR sensor working off the motherboard? Do you have
link for that?

Haven't gotten that far yet. Still working on the video. The motherboard has an IR receiver and I am planning on using lirc_sir (hopefully).


HDTV capable frontend I am working on (now with a picture)

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