No my question is.
Does KnoppMyth support dvb out of the box install?
I have a fusion dvb card it's pretty generic and it works when I
install linuxtv-dvb.
Also I had a strange episode which I can not reproduce and that was
pip using that card.

> > I threw in the towel with Suse9.0 and 9.1 (I was testing Suse as place
> > of employment is a Novell house). There are a few people who have had
> > success with using mythtv on suse.
> >
> > I was thinking of using knoppMyth the only question that I has was
> > does it support dvb? So far I have not found an answer to that.
> KnoppMyth is just the distro; based on Knoppix, which is based on
> Debian.  but you knew that. :)  i think your question was meant to be:
> "does Myth support DVB?", correct?
> i can't give a definitive answer on that because i'm not 100% certain
> on what DVB is.  but i'm guessing you're referring to the DVB cards.
> too bad the KnoppMyth forum is down at the moment, i'm sure you could
> find the answer there.  this might help though:
> hopefully that will help a bit.
> KnoppMyth is a great distro.  it's not quite as hyped up as FC2/3 here
> in the Myth mailing list.  but it's extremely easy to get up and
> running.
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