    I have just completed my Myth frontend and backend setups and
everything seems to be working; live tv and recording all tested OK. 
System has been stable all through testing.

   Last night I left it set up to record a full show for the first time
and when I went to look the backend has seemingly crashed :-(   I can
ping it on the network but it is unresponsive to ssh, http etc.

   I am not that familliar with Myth, or even Linux really.  Could anyone
suggest where/ how I look to debug this problem?

   System is:   Fedora FC3, Myth 0.17 (MythTVSuite ATRPMs install, running
myth backend as service (text mode).  Not much else running on the
backend except what MythSuite installed plus DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot
Linux) which I use to boot the (diskless) frontend.  ( it uses DHCP,

   Any help greatfully received.   I really like the system so it would be
a shame to have to ditch it through poor reliability!!


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