Kai Fritzowsky wrote:

On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 10:33:07AM +0000, David wrote:

Right. Literally. But I've got some audible noise that I can't get rid
of. Is this an hardware issue or related to ivtv or mythtv? Anyone else
got this problem?

No audio 'noise' (go and google for 'ground loop' though...)

My 'noise' clearly is not a ground loop. I know this 50Hz sound quite well. It's more like the noise you can hear, when the tuner is not tuned. In addition, I can even hear it when viewing recordings on my wireless notebook. My VCR and TV receive perfect sound, so there's nothing wrong with the signal.


OK, what soundcard?
Are you using ALSA?
Does alsamixer (or whatever) show anything at full volume (including recording levels) - for now make sure nothing is above 80%.

Are the cable connections clean? Plug and unplug them a few times to try and ensure good electrical contact.

Does a source recorded elsewhere (a known good mp3) play back cleanly? (in which case it's a recording/sampling issue)
or not (in which case it's at least a playback, maybe both issue)


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