Well, I had my first experience downloading and compiling Myth... it was pretty painless I must say!!! :-) I was hoping that tweaking some of the settings (most notably XvMC support-- did all this before I got Jarod's e-mail) would solve my issue... but they didn't.

What did solve the issue of Choppy Video was turning down the bitrate. Being the video snob that I am, I turned the bitrate WAY up to around 12,000... turning it down to about 8500 (720x480, DVD-Special-1) eliminated my choppiness. Does this seem right to people?? Shouldn't the PVR-350 be able to handle that bitrate??

In addition... I'm still not thrilled with the image quality. The lines just aren't SHARP! I fiddled with the nVidia settings tool, etc... nothing. That being said... I'm not really convinced that this is a problem with the TV-OUT. I'm using cloneview right now, so I can see the image on my monitor as well... and if I look, I can see that it doesn't look great on my monitor either (at fullscreen).

HOWEVER, when I'm in guide mode.... the preview window looks perfect! To me, this says that the capture just isn't good enough. Any thoughts on how to get a better quality capture (PVR-350)??? If TiVo can do it, Myth must be able to as well..... I'd be willing to cough up the money for something better if there's somthing better out there....

- Mark

Jarod Wilson wrote:

On Monday 14 March 2005 09:11, Mark L. Cukier wrote:

Maybe I'll check first
to see if Axel has released his RPMs with XvMC support included.... :-)

The latest builds include nVidia XvMC support, but it is turned off in the settings by default. You should be able to simply turn it on and have it work. That's the case on my end. Though nVidia XvMC likes to lock things up for me on a regular basis...


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