I'm using FC2, and I've tried the nvidia 6629 and 7167, both with no improvement.

I'm using the lastest ivtv drivers from ATRpms.... not sure of the version off hand, I'm at work currently.

I'm SURE I'm missing something silly here.... I just can't believe that the card can't capture (near) perfect Video! ANY and ALL help is much appreciated......

Thanks in Advance,

Ron Johnson wrote:

On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 09:36 -0500, Mark L. Cukier wrote:

I'm going to have to chime in here.

For me (though in all fairness, I'm not a linux expert and I'm not done tweaking all the options), I find the video from Myth to be... well, tolerable. Straight out of the box, I had a PVR-350 which produced what I considered to be horrible TV out signal (though the capture seemed to be ok, and many people use the PVR350 with no complaints). I then upped to an nVidia with TV-OUT, and now my picture is... better. Much better. But still not anywhere near where I want it to be.

I have a TiVo, and currently I'm simply not willing to give it up for myth-- for the sole reason that TiVo's image quality is better.

All this deserves two notes:

1) I'm more picky that most people about image quality-- eg, I won't get pay-per-view because I'd rather watch on DVD, etc (and it doesn't stop there....)

2) I'm pretty convinced that there must be something I can do to get the image quality better. TiVo doesn't use any special hardware/software that should make its image quality any better... so perhaps I need to learn, tweak, and learn some more.

Which distro and video driver are you using, and which versions?


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