(sorry for the resend, subject got munged)

xebian using software from http://bit.blkbk.com/

I had to use mythtv-xbox.0.4.5-beta.tar.gz since the perl script in the latest (stable?) just hangs and dies on me.

got a strange issue with mplayer and lirc. this actually happens in mythfrontend or outside of it, so its not myth specific. with lirc=yes in ~live/,mplayer/config, mplayer says "cant find config" on init and segfaults. if I comment that out or set it to "no", mplayer works fine except I have no control over it (not exactly ideal).

note that this is with playing divx files over nfs or locally, and using the xbox IR remote dvd thingy.

I cant seem to figure this out. where is mplayer looking for lirc configuration that it cant find? everything works fine until I try to play mpeg or divx.

thanks for your help. kinda stumped.

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