>The thing is that if you are watching a recording on the XBox, and the
>backend dies, under your scheme, it would seem that the XBox would
>mysteriously reboot itself.  Put if you play the .nuv video files
>through an NFS mount, I think the frontend can continue to play the
>file without an active backend.  So it would unnecessarily cause the
>XBox to reboot.

True - but I don't NFS mount the .nuv files, and the xBox doesn't
mysteriously reboot itself anyway - if it did, then I would know that
the backend has stopped - which is probably more important than watching
a recording.

> However, I'd be interesting to take a peek at the XBox script.


# See if the backend flag exists
if [ -e $BACKEND_FLAG ]

# Flag file could not be found
logger ERROR: Lost connection with mythbackend flag. Rebooting...

# shutdown -r now

#TODO: Put in some sort of count to make sure we don't end up in endless
reboot cycle.

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