Trying to debug this problem that I recently noticed,
I don't think this is a myth issue.  I don't even know
that it's an ivtv issue right now.  What I did is cat
/dev/video0 > test.mpg and then ftp'd that file to my
desktop and viewed it using mplayer, it looked near
perfect except for interlacing.  Could the other
people having this problem try a similar experiment
and see if we can narrow this down.  For the record
I'm using an nvidia 5200 vga output to an old rca
vdc300 transcoder to component in on my hdtv, and yes
hdtv via the pchdtv 3000 looks awesome, haven't tried
dvd since I moved to cvs.

--- Chad Delatte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alright, excuse me for my newbness here, but yes I
> meant to say the itvc16 chipset.  
> I'm trying to establish that the problem we are
> having
> is with the newer revision of the pvr 250.
> So far we have the following list of people with the
> new cards and have the same issue with sharpness.
> hojoloco,
> You also have a newer design card and maybe the
> cause
> of the problems.
> 1. Me        ITVC-16
> 2. hojoloco  ITVC-15 (but it's a frestyle)
> 3. dan       ITVC-16
> ross.campbell , I did everything in your list except
> for
> 1. try a different decoder card (my M-179 had poor
> quality compared to my pvr-250) ----Have one on
> ordser, but think I got ripped off on ebay
> 2. upgrade/downgrade your video driver and hack on
> the
> config files to optimize for the best resolution and
> refresh rate for outputting recorded TV ----- Not
> sure
> how to do this.
> mark,
> I noticed when I went to lower settings i had your
> problem.  May want to start a thread about that one.
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