Where does this deposit the new lirc_mceusb and lirc_dev modules?  I
have only found the old versions, I think.  They say they were last
modified on March 5th.  Obviously, today is the 15th.

<snip>  From Joe Huffner

The easiest way would be
to download version 0.7.0 of lirc from www.lirc.org,
overwrite the lirc_mceusb.c file with the newer one,
compile the new version, copy the new lirc_dev.ko and
lirc_mceusb.ko over the existing lirc modules (Make
sure to make a backup copy of the original module
files). They should be located in /lib/modules/*your
kernel version*/misc/

This is not in my FC3 load.  Can anyone tell me where these drivers
ended up?  Thanks!

On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 20:20:20 -0800 (PST), Joe Huffner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just an FYI for those of us who bought one of the
> updated MCE remotes and receivers. I was checking out
> the lirc mailing list and someone has update the
> driver to include support. From what I can tell the
> update has not been updated in CVS.
> I found the info at:
> http://search.gmane.org/?query=mce&group=gmane.comp.hardware.lirc
> Basically what I did was overwrite the lirc_mceusb.c
> in the drivers/lirc_mceusb directory with the source
> found in the mailing liste. (I have attached the new
> source file.) Then went through the install process
> documented. I used version .7.0 of lirc.
> Please note, from what I have read and experienced,
> there are some initialization problems. What seemed to
> "fix it" was unplugging the receiver and plugging it
> back in, until I no longer got an error message
> stating the device did not initialize. You can check
> this by running "tail -f /var/log/messages". Also, I
> read that running kernel 2.6.11 seemed to fix the
> initialization problem. However I cannot confirm this
> as I am running Gentoo Dev Kernel 2.6.9-r9. Another
> problem I am having is that I am getting non-stop
> error messages stating:
> "usb 2-2: bulk timeout on ep1in"
> In fact, I was getting about 4 of those messages per
> second. If/when I get time I am planning to upgrade to
> 2.6.11 to see if this fixes the issue.
> -joe
> --- Jim Oltman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > After deleting the section in my rc.local about the
> > mknod /dev/lirc0 c
> > 61 0 and replacing it with:
> >
> > ln -s /dev/lircd /dev/lirc0
> >
> > I am no longer getting errors from lircd in the
> > /var/log/messages.
> > IRW runs but I am not seeing anything when I press
> > buttons on my
> > Hauppauge remote (it has also been setup in the
> > correct lircrc files).
> >  When I run irrecord I am getting errors about lircd
> > not being
> > started.  I am going to try commenting out the other
> > section in
> > rc.local pertaining to MCEUSB and see what happens.
> >
> >
> > On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 18:57:27 -0600, Jim Oltman
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Here is where I am at so far.  In my
> > /etc/rc.d/rc.local I made these changes...
> > >
> > > #!/bin/sh
> > > #
> > > # This script will be executed *after* all the
> > other init scripts.
> > > # You can put your own initialization stuff in
> > here if you don't
> > > # want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
> > >
> > > touch /var/lock/subsys/local
> > > mknod /dev/lirc0 c 61 0 -------------I added this
> > line in hopes it
> > > would attach to a line in my modprobe
> > >
> > > /usr/X11R6/bin/xset -dpms
> > > /usr/X11R6/bin/xset s off
> > > /usr/bin/mtd --daemon
> > >
> > > # I added these next two lines
> > >
> > > /sbin/modprobe lirc_mceusb
> > > /usr/sbin/lircd --device=/dev/lirc0
> > --output=/dev/lircd
> > >
> > > In my /etc/modprobe.conf I have added this line:
> > >
> > > alias char-major-61 lirc_mceusb
> > >
> > > After implementing these changes, I can do a cat
> > /var/log/messages and
> > > see what I showed you before about the driver
> > being loaded for the USB
> > > Microsoft IR Transceiver.  But I also get this
> > listed:
> > >
> > > Mar 13 18:54:11 mythfrontend lircd 0.7.0[4134]:
> > accepted new client on
> > > /dev/lircd
> > > Mar 13 18:54:11 mythfrontend lircd 0.7.0[4134]:
> > could not open /dev/lirc0
> > > Mar 13 18:54:11 mythfrontend lircd 0.7.0[4134]:
> > default_init(): No such device
> > > Mar 13 18:54:11 mythfrontend lircd 0.7.0[4134]:
> > caught signal
> > >
> > > I am however getting errors on boot in the
> > Show/Hide Details window.
> > > Where can I view the errors that it is showing me?
> >  They disappear to
> > > quickly to read.  I am pretty sure the info I want
> > to see (about the
> > > errors on boot in Show/Hide window) is not listed
> > in
> > > /var/log/messages.
> > >
> > > On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 18:38:09 -0600, Ron Johnson
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On Sun, 2005-03-13 at 17:58 -0600, Jim Oltman
> > wrote:
> > > > > What I meant in that statement is that I got
> > it to recognize the
> > > > > receiver in the /var/log/messages but it is
> > still not working.
> > > >
> > > > Yes, but *how* did you get "it" to recognize the
> > receiver?
> > > >
> > > > P.S. - Please do not erase the whole text of the
> > email you are
> > > > replying to.  That makes it quite difficult to
> > follow the thread.
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > >
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > Ron Johnson, Jr.
> > > > Jefferson, LA USA
> > > > PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.
> > > >
> > > > Legality/morality of using open wireless points:
> > > > "If I leave my door unlocked are you going to
> > come into my house
> > > > in the middle of the night because you need to
> > use the restroom?
> > > > I pay a fixed rate for water. It's cold water so
> > there is no
> > > > electricity usage. No financial loss. I have 2.5
> > bathrooms, so no
> > > > loss of usage on my end. Is this OK? Please, try
> > this and we'll
> > > > see if it's OK."
> > > >
> >
> http://www.warchalking.org/comments/2002/9/22/223831/236/135
> > > >
> > > >
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