Jason Werpy wrote:

On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 11:07:17 -0500, Mark L. Cukier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Currently I would NEVER consider getting a "black box"-- I'm not going
to steal cable. But, once the "black boxes" output a signal with the
flag filtered out... well, I'll still pay for my cable but I'll
definitely have a black box!!!!!!!!!


This reminds me of an add they run on my cable where a guy is
interviewing for a job. Then the interviewer notes that he has a
criminal record. The inverviewee says "Oh that, I just had one of
those cable descramblers, its was no big deal". The interviewer looks
at him and says well this interview is over, or something like that. Then cue the ominous "Cable Theft, its a Crime," voice over. Every
time and I mean EVERY time I see this add I can just hear them

replacing the line about stealing cable with "I just recorded a show
to watch later with my PVR", and replacing the cable theft line with
"Recoding HD TV, its a Crime."

Maybe the EFF/whoever should run an ad campain with something like this. It might wake people up to what is happening....or it might not...

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