It's a very odd symptom, and I'm suprised more people aren't seeing it.

I'm using a Widescreen HD TV... it sounds as if you are as well. Perhaps it's an HDTV issue more than a TV Out issue..? (of course, I am NOT seeing this issue with my nVidia TV-OUT... only with my PVR-350!)

- Mark

James Armstrong wrote:

Mark L. Cukier wrote:

I just switched from my nVidia TV-out back to my PVR350. The TV Quality is much better... however, now I seem to be having this same problem!!! I have a thin blue line down the rightside of my screen, with a thicker black (dead) area to the right of that. overscan doesn't seem to fix anything... this seems to be the area where the right side of the PVR350 ENDS!

Has anyone experienced this? Any fixes? I tried running xvidtune, but PVR350 doesn't seem to like any of the modlines involving making the picture wider!

Please help!

I have a similar issue. Only on some HD 1080i playbacks, I have a bright green line down the right side of the screen, right on the edge. I have also seen on normal playback a black 'gap' near the right edge then the rest of the picture.

- James
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