Hi all,

I know this is a little off topic and I appologies, I am having
problems getting updates for ACT Free to air programming information
when I run mythfilldatabase I get the following errors.

ERROR! - no channel icon found for freesd.Canberra.9!
ERROR! - no channel icon found for freesd.Canberra.9-EPG!

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-18

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-19

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-20
ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-21

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-22

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-23

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Guide - 2005-03-24

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-18

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-19

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-20

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-21

ERROR: can't find DataSet for TEN Digital - 2005-03-22

this continues for all the channels I have tried free to air option,
free to air digital, and free to air HD, for ACT.
so far my 
does anyone know what is wrong? or is it that D1 is a little flakey?


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