
I have checked some FAQs and the mailing list history, but for me it is
not quite clear which hardware I should choose.

* show/record TV, and pause/resume live-TV.
* Of course show recorded programs :)
* Play DVD. 
* Play music from CD/MP3/OGG/...
* I want to control the box via a remote control.
* It would be nice to have a display which shows some info when the TV
is turned off.

As I want to be able to watch/record TV, I need a tv-tuner/mpeg-encoder.
The hauppauge-cards seems to be the most commonly used.
I have read in the mailinglists the tv-output from the pvr-350 is not
the best. So I think I should buy a PVR-150 + a nVidia gfx-card with
Is that a good choice?
Btw what is the difference between the PVR-150 and the PVR-150MCE?

I would prefer the sound output on an optical spdif cable, is that
possible? It would be nice if the output from the DVD is just forwarded
to the receiver.
Are there any good sound cards around for this?

When it comes to the LCD. I think the dign-cases are
nice(www.dign.info), is it possible to get the display from dign to work
with mythtv?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards


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