On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 14:25 -0800, Jarod Wilson wrote:
> On Friday 18 March 2005 13:38, Larry Sanderson wrote:
> > > Man, that backend is way overkill. I am running two Air2pc cards, 2
> > > PVR250's and 500tb of storage on a Athlon 2400 512 megs of memory. That
> > > is even more that I need. The power needs to be in the frontend.
> > >
> > > My frontend is a P4 3g 1gig memory NVidia 5200.
> >
> > Oh - I thought the power had to be in the backend.  I've been reading so
> > much about this stuff recently, I must have gotten a few wires crossed.
> Definitely crossed wires. Both my HD capture systems are dual PIII boxes, one 
> with dual 500s, one with dual 600s (all hooked to 1.5TB of storage). My HD 
> playback frontend is an Athlon XP 3200, 512MB of RAM and a GF FX 5200.

Why so much juice in your front-end CPU?

> > By the way, does the Air2pc card perform better (or more stable) than the
> > pchdtv card?
> The Air2PC reportedly handles weak broadcast HD signals better than the 
> pcHDTV 
> card.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
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"The laws of probability, so true in general, so fallacious in
Edward Gibbon

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