This is kind of hard to explain but here it goes.  When I boot up and the BIOS
is doing it's initial checking, RAM, IDE devices, etc the picture is great no
convergence at all, after the BIOS finishes, the screen flickers then when
the device listing comes up the convergence is off and the lines are warped.
So all of this is happening before I even get into the OS.  I tried just the
Y cable and got the same results, tried the onboard video, same results.  I'm
starting to think it's a motherboard issue more than anything else.
Thanks again for your help.

Did you try a modeline with different sync polarities? -hsync. -vsync, +hsync, +vsync? I seem to remember that "640x480" in DOS mode is different sync polarity from "640x480" in framebuffer (X) mode. It certainly sounds like the tv is "straining" to latch onto the sync (for lack of a more accurate term).


* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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