Well, I haven't done anything yet, it's just my wishlist.

The problem is that MythVideo just calls xine or mplayer with the appropriate filename. What is really needed is to change the disc and kick off something like LiveTV.

Here's some links to a forum I found that has info on modding the 985V. Surgeon has successfully modded the 985V to add the serial port and upgraded the firmware to make it think it's a 777ES.

Ben Norling wrote:

Any information you could forward regarding the 985v
upgrade would be greatly appreciated. I have the same
model. That would make for some more reliable
integration. In the meantime, I think that the
irblaster/lirc solution would be easier to manage (at
least for me). So, I'm a little unclear.. Are you using the mythvideo
interface to keep the list of movies for your dvd
changer? And if so, what happens when you select a

As for the switching of video inputs, that's what I
would prefer to do as running it through the myth
system would affect the quality and I will be
connecting the dvd player to the tv with component
cables, eventually.

Thanks for the input!

-Ben Norling
--- Scott Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is the original reason I started looking at
MythTV. I have a SonyDVP-CX985V 400 disc changer
(I've still got my old 200 disc model thatI grew out
of) and I hate the UI. I wanted a better method
ofcateloging and finding my DVD's. The higher end
Sony 700ES has aserial port that you can use to
control it and supposedly, you getinstantaneous
control, not this stupid thing where when you select
aDVD, it plays all the nonsense at the beginning not
allowing you tostop it and go to the menu. I was
reading another list somewhere wherethey found that
the internals of the 700ES was the same as the 985,
infact they upgraded the 985's firmware with the
version that went in the700ES and got almost all of
the 700ES features. I cracked my case andI think I
see where the serial port would interface to but I
haven'tbeen able to Google any hardware hacks for it. When I get a chance,I'll trace the signals on that
connector and see if it is the serialport.

With my current setup, the DVD changer and the
digitial cable receiverfeed into an A/V receiver.  The
problem is that I don't want to have toswitch the A/V
receiver's inputs to select a DVD.  I'd like to run
theDVD into a PVR-150's SVIDEO input and the digital
receiver into anotherSVIDEO input and let MythTV be
the A/V receiver.  Not only will thisallow me to not
have to mess with the feeds but also allows a
2ndfront-end to access the DVD changer, making the DVD
changer not a lotdifferent than the video library in
MythTV (although only one FE cancontrol it at a time).

I was thinking more along the lines of modifying the
video database tostore the DVD location (multiple
changers also?) and modify MythVideofor the new
capability. This is, of course, what I'd like to do,
I'mjust not sure how long it will take me to get there

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