Richard J. Sears wrote:
Hey Everyone,

I have a second house that I want to put
into. I have a T1 at my
first house and a 3MB dsl line in the other

I wanted to share programs and music and stuff
between the sites without
having to have cable, the music files, etc in

Is there any way for one complete Myth system
talk to another and
transfer the requested movies or music in the
background fr later

Does someone have a good way to set this up..?

Richard J. Sears

how about just have rsync run out of cron and move things incrementally to sync one /video (or wherever you keep your nuvs) to the other machine? you'd have to get a little fancier to sync the mysql databases but not much...dump db, move text file, import new sql file. the crunch would be moving the gigs and gigs of nuv files.

could all be scripted quite trivially.

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