On Sun, Mar 27, 2005 at 05:44:59AM -0500, Tom E. Craddock Jr. wrote:
> >So here I am in the middle of my 1.2TB,  Dual Athlon MythTV monster
> >server build thinking its going to be a bummer to have to get just
> >regular cable and nothing else on my mythtv system.

Dual Athlon?  That seems like a whole lot of overkill (and a lot of
heat and fan noise.)  You might want to scale it back.

> >
> >I can add an off-the-air HDTV antenna as I have ordered the PCHDTV
> >card and a PVR-350 (all of the 250's were out of  stock) but I would
> >reall like everything.

You couldn't find a 150 or 250 anywhere, not even ebay?  Since you plan
HD, you won't be using the 350's TV out in all probability, so it's
just wasted.  If there were a way to tell myth, use the 350 for analog
recordings and the video card for digital, you could switch inputs on
your TV but you would have to code that.
> >
> >I figured if anyone had figured this out, someone here has done it.
> >
> >So, my question - Is there some way to hook up the Cox digital box to
> >the MythTV backend so that I can use the Myth system to control the
> >digital box and output it to Myth so it can be recorded, played,
> >etc..? Or am I stuck with simple analog cable with my myth system..?
> >Is there a 'digital cable' tuner card made by anyone, or is it
> >specific to each cable company..? I know my TV has an input for
> >digital cable rf, but not sure who it works with (if anyone). It also
> >has an input for an HDTV card from the cable company.

Your pc-HDTV-3000 can tune digital cable when it's unencrypted.  Not
HBO, but many of your local HD channels will be tunable that way, as
well as sometimes some others.  That's the law.

The law also lets you demand a digital cable box with ieee1394 jacks
on it (known as firewire or dtvlink).   Be sure to insist on that.  Then
you can get digital out of that box.
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