On 28/03/2005, at 9:15 AM, Michael Carland wrote:

I seem to have all of my install mistakes corrected, except for one.

When I play recorded content all is well. But when I play live TV, I get
many "prebuffering pause" messages, and an occasional "WriteAudio: buffer
underrun". The video stutters during the prebuffering messages.

I done some googling, and tried a few things, but have not been able to
get around this. I am looking for tips on how to find the source of the

I have tried vmstat on both the frontend and the backend, and don't see
anything that stands out. No swapping, plenty of memory, at least 20% idle
cpu on both ends.

I have the "Extra audio buffering" checked. I tried the "Aggresive
Soundcard Buffering", but it didn't help, so I turned it back off.

I am using ALSA on the frontend, and other than the stutters, it sounds

Hi Michael,

I had a very similar problem which cropped up after switching to ALSA output. After a long saga of list-trawling, it turned out to be an error with an uninitialised variable in Myth's ALSA audio module (I so wish C++ would regard this sort of thing as an error). After grabbing a patch from CVS and rebuilding, all is fixed.

The patch against 0.17 is attached. Since we have the same frontend hw, I could look into making the (RPM) binaries available if there's somewhere to drop them.


Attachment: mythtv-0.17-mppalsa.patch
Description: Binary data

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