> Has anybody used either of these as frontends? If so can you share the
> details? I am mostly looking for performance related issues given the
> xbox has 64MB RAM...

Blimey - come on. Did you even attempt the simplest of searches for this? 

A search on Google for "xbox mythtv" brings up http://bit.blkbk.com/
as the very 1st hit. This page says "MythTV-XBox Release 0.4 This is
the fourth release of MythTV for the XBOX".

And a simple search for "xbox" in the archives for this list comes up
with 64 pages of relevant links.

This is a very helpful user community but if you're not even going to
spend 5 seconds doing some research up front I don't think it's
reasonable to expect other folks to help you out.

I'm sorry if this is sounding a bit uppity, but ...

Happy searching,
mythtv-users mailing list

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